-Clock speed : 72 MHz
-Overclockable to 96 Mhz
-Clock speed : 72 MHz
-Overclockable to 96 Mhz
-256 Kb (192 Kb available after Aurbee stack)
-192 Mb/sec Bandwidth
-256 bytes Cache
Ram: 64 Kb (52 Kb available after Aurbee stack)
-2.8 to 5.7 Volts
-26 mA (at full power)
-10 uA (sleep mode)
-Can be USB powered using USB programming shield
The Aurbee Core board simply exposes pads that can be powered by any source (2.8 to 5.7 volts). The coin cell attachment comes as a shield. It can be USB powered if used with the USB shield, or any custom power source. ( for projects that uses Aurbee in there custom PCB).
It will be safe to say that Aurbee “Stack” is an implementation of Zigbee. Our goal is to abstract all the Zigbee related stuff and keep the Aurbee programming “style” as close to Stock Arduino programming.
We are asking for your support to get us from the “prototyping” to the “ready to ship” stage.
Here was our response :
We had a customer ask us a question like this for his model R2D2 ( I know awesome ) and here is our response :
Latency is a combination of various factors including
Please note that in this case we are completely relying on the Stock Aurbee “self-healing” routing without any custom parameters.
If you are in a big convention and you want R2D2/Stealth remote to cover a 300 feet by 300 feet room and both constantly moving, you can set up the “intermediate Aurbees” in strategic locations, and pre-configure the “routings” to make sure there are never any “self-Healing” drops and keep the max latency in the 20 ms range.